Year: 2016
Status: Project
Location: Moscow, Russia
- Function:
Area: 488 m2
- Team of authors
Team leader:
Julia Tryaskina
Interiors of “Zaryadie” park pavilions
UNK project architects interpret the concept of natural urbanism as interpenetration of nature and urban aesthetics expressed in a play of modern shapes and materials giving a sense of natural beauty and tranquility. The subject of interaction of environment and inner world has found its expression in all park pavilions' spaces. The whole-year park concept is developed in the interior of Media Center with its urbanized garden. The lightness of greenery contrasts with brutal stone verticals and dynamic horizontals of huge media-boards. More intimate spaces are "Ice Cave" and "Secret Embassy". Varying glares on the metallic ceilings of the "Ice Cave" illuminated from beneath render beauty and magic of aurora borealis. The mystery and continuity of wildlife evolution is expressed by sprouts breaking through massive stone counterforts in the space of "Secret Embassy" and the spiral of "Florarium".