Common areas of “Luxor” cinema
Year: 2012
Status: Complete
Location: Sochi, Russia
- Function:
Area: 2 900 m2
- Team of authors
Team leader:
Julia Tryaskina
Irina Kolokolova, Alexandra Gorina, Vladimir Garanin
Project manager:
Anna Kovalenko
Common areas of “Luxor” cinema
Projecting interiors of public zones of Luxor Movie Theater architects chose the way which has united creative ideas and original technological development. Decorating two levels of a new film complex authors united them with a single form of the interior "cover" made in the form of wavy sphere. At the heart of its decorative decision are round mirrors which are fixed along the perimeter of ceiling as light diffuser. Increasing beams getting to them from projectors these polished mirrors illuminate the whole platform.