Julia Tryaskina: “How to design grocery shop”
Successful development of trade business in direct ratio depends on how successfully the main concept of shop is chosen, planning of a trading floor is organized, the trade equipment is picked up, style of an interior and design of lighting is developed. But the most important is how correctly conditions of comfortable feeling of the buyer in shop are provided.
Design of shops means selection of the suitable room according to future shop, development of the design project and the main concept of shop, assistance in selection and deliveries of the trade equipment, development of the design project of illumination of trade space, preparation and coordination of documentation on architectural and engineering systems. Besides, specialists of the company are ready to assume functions of a general contractor and further fruitfully cooperate in project management as a whole.
It is always a very difficult but interesting work.
Perhaps the most important detail is the understanding for whom and where the shop is designed. One thing is a grocery supermarket below the city and absolutely other thing with the city. First of all, people have different requirements. It is important to understand who will be your visitor – mummy with a carriage, the maiden on heels from the next entrance or office clerk. Direct link here is with both a line of goods and with a size of departments. It is unlikely that the shop near office center will have a wide range of household chemicals or the dormitory area will offer the wide range of take-away salads.
Goods outlay
A lot of shady work is first of all carried out by marketing specialists. They induce the buyer to take a bigger detour, entice them as further as it is possible. Vital goods are carried to different corners of the shop. Bread is put away from milk and meat. At an entrance you will always be met by something beautiful a show-windows with sweet, with flowers or fruit. All that will create mood. Smells play the important role here as well. It must smell delicious bread, coffee and any vanilla. All this stimulates purchases (researches show that the qualitative design of smells increases consumer activity by 16%).
Competent engineering decision
Products are very trembling goods and it is possible to call the competent engineering decision the third important point at design. Vegetables and fruit shouldn't be blown by cold air or be heated because of incorrectly located lamps. While over fish and over cheeses an air extraction system must be provided. Each department must have the attention and the comfortable conditions.
Other major element is lighting. Work of light technologies is usually imperceptible. It is like the suit sewed to measures in which it is convenient. It seems to the person that the bulb is a bulb, why to spend such money on establishment according to the zones – warmer for the bread, colder for seafood, etc. There are about 4-5 directions of light scenarios: for the buyer, for goods, for work and for atmosphere creation. It is one of the expensive directing of design. It is important to create such light scenarios which would be convenient, comfortable and tasty to buy. Everything has to stimulate appetite.
And the choice of regiments for goods is not so important. It is possible to sell on everything. The main thing here is the placement and comfort of the buyer. To put on boxes, barrels, to do inclinations or not to do make no difference. Everything can stand on everything and be sold. "Special" shelf will never increase consumer’s ability. But architects are obliged to trace novelties since show-windows are a visual number of shop with which the buyer contacts. And the architect has to consider whether corners have to be rounded, what color there has to be a covering and prompt to the owner at a choice.
For Russia the subject of bars and fast food in shop is quite new. What can be better during the long travel than an opportunity to sit down, quickly have a bite or drink a cup of tea? It should be noted that it is a very interesting subject which has successfully worked for a long time in Europe.