Round table conference on "Children's space in urban environment"
On May 14 the round table conference on the subject "Children's Space in Urban Environment" organized by architectural bureau UNK project and the architectural magazine “speech:” took place in Cabinet Lounge in Novaya Square. The main subject of discussion - to participation in which architects, representatives of the Moscow City Architecture Committee, psychologists and developers were invited - was game and leisure spaces for little citizens. As the editor-in-chief of “speech:” Anna Martovitskaya, told in the opening speech: from all variety of objects for children, organizers of discussion decided to choose game spaces as the most demanded and at the same time the most widespread in the modern megalopolis. The psychologist Maria Sokolova, the curator of the “City Friend” project, listed the main criteria to which the playground for children has to match. "Adults, as a rule, judge from if a platform is intended for active recreation of children, absolutely forgetting that games can not only be active. Actually game is a freely chosen, externally not adjustable by anybody activity of a little person and the surrounding capable to satisfy need for game has to be, first of all, variable, and ideally even transformed". Whether it is possible to implement outdoor game spaces for children, taking into account the same principles? Several projects at once answer this question in the affirmative. So, the cofounder of UNK project bureau, Julia Tryaskina, presented to the audience projects of the children's food court in Shopping Center “Grad” in Voronezh, family entertainment center in Ryazan and, perhaps, the loudest project of this year – "The Central Children's Shop" on Lubyanka in which architects of UNK project are coauthors of interiors. Background of experience of architects only confirms the opinion of psychologists: a wide variety of scenarios of activity and opportunity to combine active recreation with a relaxation are necessary for comfortable and long staying of a child in a game zone. Julia Tryaskina tries to put such islands of coziness in all "children's" projects of bureau.