The interior in an interior
The architectural bureau UNK project became coauthors of the Russian project of recently opened interior boutique Crate & Barrel. In this article we’ll tell how architects interpreted the American requirements for the Russian reality.
In Moscow "Afimall" first in Russia network shop of furniture, ware and home decoration of Crate & Barrel was opened. The architectural bureau with the western principles of work, UNK project was invited for the implementation of the project of an interior.
The legendary shop with semi centennial history settled down on the area of 3000 sq. m in the business center of Moscow. Getting to an interior you involuntarily feel yourself in a house atmosphere. And the thing here is not only in abundance of a decor but also in the interior concept itself. Planning of the shop attracts attention. It is constructed by the principle of a labyrinth to give an opportunity to study zones one by one.
Also window dressing is interestingly executed. The broad pass between a show-window and racks issued in the form of full-fledged functional zones creates illusion of house space of rooms where it is significantly more silent and cozier than in the shop. Coming here the visitor himself becomes part of a show-window that intrigues and draws attention of the buyers passing by.